Selasa, 20 April 2010

Facebook gives Business Opportunities XL, Indosat, Telkomsel and Nexian

Originally there were two phone operator in Indonesia that currently use mobile phone (HP) Nexian as one means of promotion that is Excelcomindo Pratama (XL) and Indosat Telkomsel but now also been followed using the same pattern with Indosat and XL.

XL is a mobile telephone operator who first worked with producer Nexian HP brand by making products that NexianBerry. HP NexianBerry is made Nexian with NX-G900 series, because the form and function "like" blackberry then the product is called NexianBerry. But the system or program that works in a completely different HP.

HP has two GSM cards that can live together, one must use a GSM card number XL while other cards can use the GSM phone number or encyclopedia. HP is the excess can be used for browsing, especially facebook and yahoo mesangger. This XL card that can be used for browsing, facebook and yahoo mesangger (using Mig33) and HP XL lock as the main card that can be used for activities that support additional features in this phone call and SMS in addition of course.

Then apasih advantages of this product compared to other products? advantages of this product is in terms of price, the price of this HP is very cheap compared with similar HP prices. With the existing functionality within HP's price of about Rp. 3.000.000, - s / d Rp. 5.000.000, - but the product is only sold Nexian USD. 999,000, - because that's when the first launch of direct devotees scramble. Berjubelnya buyers of this product is because the people of Indonesia at the new facebook fever and blackberries, the right momentum to launch a new product. Beautiful business when finding the right momentum to launch a new product.

HP is definitely the high buyer directly increase the number of subscribers XL and XL makes the number of subscribers increased sharply because it Indosat and Telkomsel does not want to miss with this fellow in collaboration with HP Nexian manufacturers to jointly launch a product called Mobile Online by using the latest series Nexian ie NX G991 with similar facilities such as XL: 2 GSM cards, Bluetooth, FM Radio, Facebook, Opera Mini and Mig33.

With the same facility with its nearest competitor XL, Indosat wants to increase sales doubled in Nexian card because it could only use two cards, namely Indosat Mentari and IM3. We already can guess this Indosat step, if the sale of this best-selling HP Nexian like its competitors, the increase in Indosat card sales will double and do not forget the sales of product enhancements for internet dugunakan data will also be doubled.

Seeing the conditions in the field where sales figures are still high Nexian NX 900 with proven HP price is above the selling price issued by the manufacturer, the sales will be the best-selling single Nexian G991. Thus, the sales figures Indosat cards mentioned above will be increased, of course they hope profitpun increases. Congratulations cool ....

Although a bit late for the strategy used by Indosat's quite interesting because it is still a crucial moment in Indonesian society is still fever blackberries and facebook. Because these products online is also increasing rapidly it is not a false step is made by Indosat.

Although Telkomsel is not like the two-rod jor competitors in advertising here but telkomselsel also perform the same steps with the competitors. Although very late at least Telkomsel expects that its market is not undermined by the two competitors had.

Facebook is a social networking fonumental. In addition to the world community conjured up for Facebook facebook can also inspire people or companies take advantage of his arrival to the business interests, not even just people in the community where he was but the whole world.

This is good marketing practice, thanks facebook Nexian products can berkolaburasi well to provide a service which is also badly needed by the telecommunications service provider in Indonesia. While telecommunications services in Indonesia can compete in a healthy and fair and I hope with this product their sales increase.

The world kept moving and kept the technology developing rapidly with. Hopefully, the development of telecommunications technology and business services in Indonesia, we hope that this business development will create new business opportunities and in turn will increase the prosperity of Indonesian people that the longer the better.

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